Recently we received donations to upgrade the Tassicker Unit of Friendship House.These donations were gratefully received from The Jack Family Trust and The Van Eyk Trust. The administration of one of our major projects, Friendship House, is now undertaken by Diane Savill.Please use the link below for more information. Link to Friendship House WebsiteNew MembersFour new members were recently inducted at our meeting recently held at Motel Le Grande, 19th November. 2021.Past Resident Len Wilkinson reading the Rotary Newly inducted members:Induction and Four Way test to four members Steve, Georgia, Sarah and Caitlynof the Peers group.Diedre - our latest member, inducted at Christmas Breakfast 2021The 100 years / 100 Trees ProjectRecently, the City of Albany donated a parcel of land that will be used for a corridor of trees, ultimately beautifying and producing carbon credits for our Clubs.It is a joint project between the Rotary Club of Albany Port and our Club, the Rotary Club of Albany City.